Thursday, 16 June 2011

Bunt Professionals

  • Ajith Shetty

    Ajit, Baron Shetty is an Indian-Belgian businessman, who was born in Nellore, India, on May 20, 1946. He spent his early years in Chennai, Tamilnadu India, where he did his schooling at Madras Christian College and graduated from Loyola College in Chennai. He received a B.A. degree in Natural Sciences and a PhD degree in Metallurgy from Trinity College at Cambridge University. In 1976, he obtained an MSIA degree from Carnegie Mellon University. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of Janssen Pharmaceutica, a pharmaceutical company and subsidiary of Johnson Johnson, with its headquarters in Beerse, Belgium. Shetty also serves as president of Global Chemical Pharmaceutical Operations for Johnson Johnson of New Brunswick, New Jersey in the United States. He is married to Christine Clerinx, a niece of the founder of Janssen Pharmaceutica, the late Paul Janssen, and lives in Vosselaar.
    He studied at universities in England and the United States. He lives with his family in Vosselaar. In the past ten years, he managed to ensure the continuity of Janssen Pharmaceutica as a world concern in drug research following the untimely death of Philippe Vanavermaete in 1994. During that period, the number of employees in Belgium rose from approximately 3000 to 4400 today.
    He was also elected Manager of the Year in Belgium in 2004.Ajit Shetty, CEO of Janssen Pharmaceutica, elevated to the baronage by the Belgian king

    Every year the Belgian King elevates a number of his subjects to the peerage. These are always people who have made an outstanding contribution to Belgian society.In 2007, King Albert II bestowed the title of baron on Ajit Shetty for his exceptional merits.
    On Wednesday, January 12th, 2005, Ajit Shetty, President and Chief Executive Officer of Janssen Pharmaceutica, was elected “Manager of the Year - 2004”. This annual election of the top manager in Flanders is an initiative of Trends and Channel Z, in collaboration with the Flemish Management Association (VMA).

    Ajit Shetty was described by the jury as “a highly underrated top entrepreneur in Flanders, CEO of the research and manufacturing firm Janssen Pharmaceutica, Johnson & Johnson company”.
    As of today, Tom Heyman will succeed Ajit Shetty as managing director of Janssen Pharmaceutica. Ajit Shetty will stay on as chairman of the company’s Board of Directors. Given that Ajit Shetty was appointed Corporate Vice President Operations for the entire Johnson & Johnson Group two years ago, a handover of the company’s daily management imposed itself.
    Ajit Shetty was appointed managing director of Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1999 and has been chairing the Board of Directors since 2004. Under Ajit, Janssen Pharmaceutica developed into a worldwide centre for the Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Division.

    Dean Devdas Shetty

    Shri.Devdas Shetty  born in Mangalore and after high school education in a local school,  went to St. Aloysius College Mangalore for PUC,  did his  Bachelors degree fin Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Surathkal and a Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, IIT, Delhi

    His wife Sandya Shetty (Daughter of late Bhujanga Nayak, an artist in Mangalore who had the first studio in Mangalore). She works as a School Psychologist for Hartford School System in Connecticut, USA

    He has two sons, eldest is Dr. Jagat Shetty who has started working as a resident in Neurology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Younger son is Nandan Shetty, who completed two degrees from Dartmouth College and has started working as Environmental Engineer for New York City.

    Devdas Shetty comes to Lawrence Tech from the University of Hartford (U of H) in Connecticut where he is the dean of research, the director of the engineering applications center, the associate dean of the College of Engineering, and the Vernon D. Rosa endowed professor in manufacturing engineering. He has developed a reputation there for innovative partnerships between U of H and industry.
    “I am excited to join Lawrence Technological University as I see a close match between my own outlook of engineering and the university’s vision of engineering education that gives students theoretical tools and hands-on experiences in an atmosphere of entrepreneurial leadership and improved learning,” Shetty said. “I will work to increase Lawrence Tech’s effectiveness in reaching out to industrial partners and will seek to raise the profile of programs that are considered among the finest in the country.”
    Shetty joined U of H in 1988, and earlier was an associate professor at the Albert Nerkin School of Engineering at Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York City (1983-88), associate professor at the University of the West Indies (Trinidad) (1978-83), and served as the senior technical officer at the United Nations Center on Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1974-78) in Bangalore, India.
    A registered professional engineer, Shetty received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, after finishing bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India. He has published more than 150 articles based on his research and educational projects.
    Shetty has been a principal investigator for some 30 grants in engineering education and research. Working with the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, he developed a multidisciplinary research and academic program for laser applications that was funded by the Air Force. The integrated engineering curriculum developed at U of H under Shetty’s leadership, with support from the National Science Foundation, has been adopted by other engineering schools.
    Shetty holds five patents. His research has been cited for pioneering contributions in the area of surface measurement in manufacturing engineering and for contributions to the fields of mechatronics and product design, fields in which he has authored two textbooks used worldwide that have been translated into several languages.
    Shetty’s honors include U of H’s James and Frances Bent Award for Creativity, the Society of Manufacturing Engineer’s Edward S. Roth National Award and its Honor Award, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Faculty Award. He is an elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
    Shetty succeeds Laird E. Johnston, a former General Motors and EDS executive who served as dean of engineering 2000-05 and again since 2006.

    Justice Santhosh Hegde

     During last assembly elections of Karnataka  during May-2008 there was an interesting article in one of the reputed news papers of Karnataka, on the reasons for the serving senior bureaucrats seeking tickets to contest Karnataka assembly elections from various political parties, it was said that the main reason for this trend is with a honest  active, and tough  Lokayukta at the helm,  the senior corrupt bureaucrats were finding it  difficult  to continue being corrupt , and were scared of being caught, hence they choose a   better option , to take voluntary retirement and jump into politics. That’s the reputation of Lokayukta’s of Karnataka.
    Santhosh Hegde son of Late Justice K.S.Hegde, former Justice of Supreme Court of India born on 16th June 1940 in Karkala, Udupi District. He did his schooling at the St. Aloysius High School, Mangalore and Madras Christian School, Madras, did his intermediate from St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore, and B.Sc degree from the Central College, Bangalore. Hegde did is L.L.B from Government Law College, Bangalore. During college days Justice Santhosh Hegde was an active sportsperson, he had participated in various inter-state cricket tournaments, and had represented the state of Mysore in Hockey, and he loves listening to Ghazals and Hindi Music.
    Justice Hegde married to Mrs.Sharda Hegde; Mrs.Hegde is a post graduate in Arts and has done her Bachelor of Law.
    Justice Hegde joined Bar in Jan-1966 and continued to practice till 1984. In the year 1984 he was appointed as Advocate General of Govt. of Karnataka. Santhosh Hegde was designated as Senior Advocate in May 1984 and continued as Advocate General till 1988. Santhosh Hegde moved into Delhi in Nov-1989 on being as appointed as Additional Solicitor General of Indian and held this office for eleven months. thereafter continued to practice in the Supreme Court. till 1998 till he was appointed as Solicitor General of India. He was appointed as Jude of the Supreme Court of India directly from the Bar in the year 1999 and retired from Supreme Court in June-2005. Justice Hegde was appointed as Chairperson, Telecom Disputes Settlement Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi in July 2005 and continued to serve the tribunal till August -2006.
    Justice Hegde  was appointed as Lokayukta of Karnataka State  in  August-2006 for a term of five years.
    Mangalore University has conferred Justice Hegde the Honorary Doctorate in Law i in Feb-2005
    Justice Santhosh Hegde is the third person  from Bunt Community to serve as Justice of  Supreme court of  India the others being Justice K.S.Hedge ( father of Justice Santhosh Hegde) who served  as Justice between  1967 and 1973 and Justice Kalmanje  Jagannatha Shetty  served between 1st May 1987 and 14th Dec-1991.
     We wish we will have a  Bunt Chief Justice of India in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. no use apprecaiting someone unless they help fellow poor class BUNTS
